100+ E-Commerce Merchants Reveal the Key Strategy for Improving Conversion Rates

Over the past 6 months I have spoken to over 100 e-commerce merchants specifically around conversion rates and the steps they take to improve them post covid. What I have learnt is that when it comes to separating those that have seen success from their efforts and those that haven’t, the key reason comes down […]

Increasing website traffic is important but let’s not forget about other low hanging fruit

During the pandemic there has been a huge surge in global e-commerce sales as companies leaned into their e-commerce channel to keep their businesses afloat. Even now after most brick-and-mortar stores have reopened, their e-commerce stores remain an important focal point to drive additional revenue and Increasing website traffic. In order to generate additional revenue, […]

5 Most important steps to increase your checkout conversion

When it comes to addressing failure to convert checkout pages to successfully completed transactions it is often difficult to know where to start however the pareto principle of 80% of consequences coming from 20% of causes is definitely true in this situation and this article’s express purpose is to highlight those that when addressed will […]