The cookie has crumbled. How are e-commerce brands adapting?

After teasing the phasing out of third-party cookies for many years now, Google has finally started to put its promise into action.  Third-party cookies have historically been an important part of accurately tracking how visitors arrive at your website, as well as what their interests are (based on other websites they’ve interacted with).  Why is […]

Looking to increase your ad efficiency? Work from the bottom of the funnel up

When you search for information on improving your ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), you’ll typically find plenty of advice on topics such as:  And this is all good advice. But like much of the advice that’s shared within marketing, it focuses mainly on traffic – whether through growing your ad impressions and interactions, or improving […]

Are you spreading your paid advertising budget too thin? 

Do you feel under pressure to show up on multiple platforms?  Yeah, us too.  As marketers, our natural instinct is to get our brand out there in every possible channel. We want it to show up on every social media platform because we want the maximum possible exposure.  So when it comes to setting up […]

Why broad targeting is broadly regrettable (and what to try instead) 

When setting up a paid advertising campaign on social media, you’ll typically have to choose between broad targeting and interest targeting. However depending on the platform you choose, these will be shown under different names.  Generally speaking, ‘broad targeting’ means showing your ad to a wider range of people, often based on their demographic data […]

Is offering free shipping worth it?

We all hate a slow and painful checkout experience. Yet when we look at the main reasons why customers abandon your checkout, this actually features pretty far down the list.  Out in front, and accounting for an estimated 48% of checkout abandonments? ‘Extra costs are too high (including shipping, taxes and fees)’. This is naturally […]

How to Optimise Your Assortment Strategy for Higher Average Order Value

There are three levers you can pull to boost your revenue:  Improving any one of these metrics by 100% would translate to doubled revenue. If you’ve ever researched ways to raise your average order value (AOV), you’ll notice that the advice often focuses on optimising how your products are displayed together, and maximising the potential […]

Alternatives to a welcome offer: finding what matters to your customer

We’re fairly accustomed to having a welcome offer – typically 10% off – dangled in front of us when we arrive on an e-commerce website for the first time.  And if you’ve ever edited a standard abandoned cart workflow, they typically end in a discount offer, too (provided the customer hasn’t purchased during the duration […]

Calculating & troubleshooting your payment failure rate

A failed payment is a transaction that – whether through human error or technical error – did not go through. The payment was unsuccessful despite the customer completing the full checkout process, including entering their card details. Failed payments typically make up a small percentage of your overall transactions, and are dwarfed by other ‘leaks’, […]

Personalised checkout experiences work – and they’re not just for big brands

71% of consumers expect personalisation from the companies they interact with, and 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.  But many smaller e-commerce brands aren’t making the most of this expectation. It’s why checking out of a Shopify-based website can feel painful when you compare it to a site like Amazon. After speaking with many […]

Is your e-commerce brand working against “survivorship bias”?

Whether you’ve heard of the term “survivorship bias” or not, the chances are your e-commerce brand is working against it. Most brands are.  Survivorship bias is a form of selection bias. It can lead us to make assumptions about our entire audience based only on the data of those that ‘survive’, or pass a certain […]

Calculating & improving your returning customer rate

Your returning customer rate is the percentage of customers that buy from your site more than once. Generally speaking, the higher this percentage, the better. If you run your store in Shopify, you’ll be able to see your ‘Returning customer rate’ within the analytics section of your store dashboard. Otherwise, you can calculate it with […]